mr-atari wrote:
My diagnose would be, there is something wrong with your 5200.
Based on the corrupted message about the cartridge name.
Could be a RAM failure and with ram failure, you can not load anything, not even diagnostics...
I understand where you're coming from, but I'm doubtful that it's a RAM issue. The only title I'm having trouble with is the built-in diagnostics on the Atarimax; every other cartridge image on it works fine (with the exception of BBSB, but that's expected).
Commercial cartridges also work without issue, at least based on the dozen or so I have to test with.
This console was extensively refurbished by me about a year ago, which included replacing the CPU (dead), POKEY (missing when I got it), and various discrete components. GTIA and ANTIC have been swapped into other systems and seem to be OK when run for extended periods. Running the PAM cartridge tests shows everything passing, and the machine has been dead reliable since being resurrected.
By no means am I dismissing the idea of a problem with the console itself; it's certainly possible. It just doesn't seem likely in this case.