I am looking for the complete ATARI Pascal ATR images, including MEDIT (or any functional from this Pascal) text editor what the system is asking for. On the menu is a selection E)dit. choosing E (Return), the message is "D2:MEDIT not found". If I use ATARI TEXT EDITOR including MEDIT only itself it is working properly. If I define that ATR Image like D2: together with ATARI Pascal in D1:, it starts the editor, but destroys the DOS environment (DOS 2.0S or DOS 2.5) under MyIDE-ONLY.ROM (#3) or other MyIDE system. The Manual for this Pascal version says "... ATARI Program-Text Editor (APX-20075) ..." is needed - is it MEDIT???. The Editor is not included into the original ATARI Pascal (I compared Documentation with the ATR files which are equivalent), assuming it is a separated APX product. ... It looks like ATARI Pascal is not functional under any MyIDE in the original form on D1:, D2: images. The other problem is, there is no room for any additional files on the "correctly" formatted Dx: drives, what ATARI Pascal needs. To move job to D8: is not a too smart solution. It needs additional disk drives, but the system recognizes only D1:, D2:, D8: ... Reading and comparing different Pascal versions, this Pascal looks like a closest to standard ISO. ... Does some one have Solution (functional ATARI Pascal)?