APE Warp+ OS 32-in-1

Installation Guide for 130XE

Step #1

Remove the cover from the computer by releasing the four screws on the bottom of the unit.

Step #2

Carefully lift the keyboard to reveal the flex cable connecting it to the main PCB.

Gently pull upwards at the base of the flex cable to part it from its socket.

Be very careful with this cable, bending it can destroy it.

Step #3

If your 130XE still has the RF shield installed, you will need to remove it to access the PCB.

To remove the top RF shield you must straighten a number of metal tabs around the edge of the shield using needlenose pliars.

After unbending these tabs, the top shield should lift off.

Step #4

After removing the RF shield, locate the OS ROM on the motherboard.

Its location is marked on the photograph.

If your OS ROM is soldered in, continue to step 5 to replace it with a socket.

If the OS ROM is socketed, skip ahead to step 8.

Step #5

In order to desolder the OS ROM, you will need to remove the motherboard from the case and remove the lower RF shield.

To remove the PCB and lower RF shield, remove the six phillips screws holding the board to the case. Three are located at the front of the PCB. The others are located at the rear near the power switch, monitor jack and SIO port.

Mounting screw position may vary by where and when your 130XE was manufactured. Once you have all the screws removed, you can carefully life the PCB out of the case.

The lower RF shield is held in place by the tabs you straightened in step 3 and should come off without any extra effort if the tabs are straight.

Step #6

Carefully desolder the OS ROM.

Be very careful when removing the ROM after desoldering. The traces on the 130XE motherboard are VERY FRAGILE and will delaminate easily from excess heat or force. If the ROM does not lift out easily, re-check your desoldering work before proceeding.

In the empty place where the OS ROM was located, install and solder in place the 28-pin DIP socket included in your installation kit.

The completed work is shown here, with a socket ready to accept the Warp+ OS upgrade.

Step #7

Testing the socket installation.


Take the original OS ROM you desoldered, straighten any bent pins, and carefully insert it into the new socket.

Hook up the power and monitor connections to the Atari and verify the system operates normally.

If the system does not operate normally then you need to recheck your socket installation work.

The most common sources of failure at this point are torn traces, bent socket pins or an improperly inserted OS ROM.

DO NOT PROCEED past this step until the system functions normally.

Step #8

Carefully remove the OS ROM from its socket and place it in the anti-static container your upgrade came in.

If you ever want to restore your computer to it factory configuration, you will need this ROM.

Step #9

Remove the Warp+ OS upgrade board from its package and insert the board into the OS ROM socket.

The photo on the right shows the correct orientation of the OS board in the Atari. Do not insert the board backwards or it will be damaged. Damaged boards will not be replaced.


If you encounter too much resistance inserting the board into the socket, check the alignment of the pins in the socket and make sure it is correct.

Press straight down on portion of the board over the OS ROM socket to insert it. Do not insert the board at an angle or one side at the time, as this will bend or break the gold pins.

Once the board is inserted, look underneath it to verify all the gold pins are in the socket. If any are hanging over the edges then remove the board and re-insert into the socket correctly.

Step #10

A wire set for 3 solder connections is included with your OS upgrade.

Connection point 'D' is the left side of R87 in the 130XE. Connect the WHITE wire to this point.

Connection point 'R' is the top pad of R40 in the 130XE. Connect the RED wire to this point.

Connection point 'S' is the center pad in a group of three, just to the right of the POKEY chip on the right side of the board.

See the large photo above for its location. The photo to the right is a close-up of this location

Be careful not to bridge the connection between any of these pads.

Connect the BLACK wire to this point. If your wiring kit includes two black wires, cut one black wire off near the connector (it does not matter which one). Only one black wire is required.

Another photo showing points 'S' and 'D' with wires sucessfully attached.

Disregard wire colors, they may be different in your kit.

Step #11

Once you have soldered the 3 required connections, you must plug them into the header on the OS Upgrade board.

Align the header so that the RED wire is nearest the asterisk (*) printed on the circuit board.

Attach the power and monitor connections to the Atari and turn it on.

The system should start normally (possibly with a dark-blue screen), and you should reach BASIC or SELF-TEST.

If the system does not function normally, check all connections.

Reassemble system and re-test

On some models you made need to omit the RF shield during re-assembly or make a hole in it to accomodate the module.

Using your upgrade

Hold SELECT down on the keyboard while powering up the Atari to reach the OS Selection Menu.

The descriptions you entered when building your OS will appear on screen. Simply select a new OS using the keyboard and the system will reboot using that OS.

Every time you power on the Atari it will use the OS you selected. To change the OS again, just hold down SELECT while turning on the computer.

You may also hold SELECT+OPTION down on the keyboard while powering up to reach the APE Remote Control software.